Romance Novel Addicts Anonymous Book Recommendation by: Lila Dawes
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Curvy Romance
My Thoughts on the Book:
This book is one of the very first contemporary romances I read and I picked it because the “curvy girl” trope was calling to me, finally a book about someone like me! Neve has been in love with William for years, but he moved away to L.A and hasn’t seen her since she lost a lot of weight. Now he’s coming back and this is her chance to nab her dream man except for one thing, she has no relationship experience. Enter sexy, womanising Max who is the answer to Neve’s problems, he can show her the relationship ropes without her getting attached…right?The book is well written, sweet, funny, sexy and sad, the characters likeable and well developed. The chemistry is delightfully slow burning between our two heroes, none of that insta-love here, thank you! What I love about this book is it’s painful in places seeing what Neve goes through and her internal view of herself but it makes you champion her more. This book tackles body image issues and fat shaming and ultimately self-love and acceptance. A hugely uplifting read 
Where to Find This Book:
Join the Romance Novel Addicts Anonymous EMAIL LIST now and you’ll receive WHAT’S YOUR PLEASURE/ RNAA’s Official Guide to Finding Your Next Great Romance Read!