
What’s Italian for Yummy? An RNAA Recommended Read

Romance Novel Addicts Anonymous Book Recommendation by: Linda Fausnet

Genre: Contemporary Romance

My Thoughts on the Book:

This was a highly entertaining, sexy book containing sensual descriptions of both food and sex. The main conflict revolves around a woman who hates rugby (and comes by her distaste honestly, given her personal experiences) and a hero who plays…guess what? It was cleverly written with lots of witty banter between the romantic leads. I’ve read so many books lately that seemed like they were written in an awful hurry, and it was refreshing to read a book from an author who clearly took her time and actually thought about what she was writing. She clearly knows what she’s talking about, both with the heroine’s expertise in baking and with the locations in Rome. The book is definitely on the longer side, but it didn’t really drag. It’s not a book that you might finish quickly, but one that’s meant to be savored.

Where to Find This Book:



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