Romance Novel Addicts Anonymous Book Recommendation by: Linda Fausnet
Genre: Paranormal Romance
My Thoughts on the Book:
If you have not read The Magician’s Curse, do yourself a favor and start binging all three books in this fascinating series. This series features the most dashing magician hero you can imagine, as well as a gripping tale filled with demons, intrigue, and a family curse that must be broken. This is a highly imaginative paranormal tale with truly engrossing world-building and page-turning suspense. Just when you think you know what will happen…you don’t. Stephen Dagmar is a truly unforgettable hero and the romance with his one true love, Herman (female, but with a male name ) is a sweeping love story for the ages. If you’re looking for a truly binge-able series – this one is it!
Where to Find This Book:
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